Oconomowoc Area Foundation

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Inspired by Oconomowoc hardware store owner and philanthropist Hilbert N. Scherffius and guided by civic leaders and committed volunteers, the Oconomowoc Area Foundation was created in 2002 to provide an easy, effective way for area residents to provide lasting support for local charitable causes.   

Area Served  

OAF makes grants to an area which consists of the Oconomowoc Area School District, but also Wales, Dousman, Ottawa and Nashotah. It is not necessary that the organization be physically located within these communities, but that it can demonstrate it provides services to the residents of these communities. 

Who can apply 

Grants will principally be made only to nonprofits that have been awarded tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service. 

Public and private schools are eligible. In both cases, grants will be made for programs or resources that enhance educational outcomes, but not for the ongoing support of staff or operating expenses. In addition, private schools should demonstrate that through tuition assistance, or other means, they serve lower-income families. Of particular interest are educational programs that meet the need of special-need students. 

Municipal government agencies may also receive grants. Grants will be made for projects that go beyond the core, tax-supported services required to meet the government agency’s public purpose. 

Grantmaking Focus 

Priority will be given to projects pertaining to: 

Grant Amount 

Grants will normally be awarded for one year, but occasionally will be made for multiple years to ensure proper implementation and development of the program. In the case of multiple-year grants, the grant amounts will usually be progressively reduced during the term of the grant. 

Grants for ongoing annual support may be occasionally awarded, particularly when there is a compelling community purpose for doing so. Such grants will usually be made for one or two years, at the board’s discretion. 

Grants typically range from $5,000 to $10,000. 

Evaluation Criteria 

2024 Timeline 

Grants portal login 

Grants portal login